upanivesh basaana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. The Celts systematically colonize the whole of the territory, advancing even to the Massif Central and the Rhone Valley 2. The Greeks settled in the coastal plains where they could practice their cultures country, so they do not seek to colonize Puglia 3. Under the reign of Augustus, it begins to establish cadastre and systematically colonize adjacent areas between cities, voluntarily left deserted in the Gallic period 4. Germanic elements colonize the northeast of Gaul, which appears as the bulwark of the Greco-Roman world 5. However, certain interventions appear in the fifteenth century in which commercial considerations prevail over the will of colonization

Given are the examples of hindi word upanivesh basaana usage in english sentences. The examples of upanivesh basaana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., colonisation, colonize, colonise.

The industrialisation of Britain had a close connection with the conquest and colonisation of India.

It was also a story of displacements and impoverishment, ecological crises and social rebellion, colonisation and repression.
The history of colonisation reveals that rich resources in colonies were the main attractions for the foreign invaders.
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